vendredi 29 juin 2007

Acne Prevention Tips

Acne Prevention Tips by Kerry Ng

If you suffer from acne problems, you've probably been given a lot of advice about acne prevention, as well as acne causes. But a lot of these are just old wives' tales with no scientific facts behind them. Knowing the truth about acne prevention will help you make the right choices.

Chocolate & Fast Foods

You've probably heard that eating chocolate will make you get pimples. But in fact science has not proven this to be true at all. Like any foods, consuming too much chocolate is certainly not good for you or your skin, but the occasional chocolate bar is not going to make you break out, especially if you eat nutritious food the rest of the time. Just like with chocolate, your parents has probably cautioned you that french fries are bad for your skin. While fried foods are unhealthy, it's only when you eat them all the time that it's going to be a problem, and it's more likely you'll gain weight than get acne. Neither fried foods nor chocolate are responsible for acne, and avoiding them, while good for your health, is not particularly useful for acne prevention.

Popping Pimples

Some people believe that popping a zit will help it to clear up faster, but in fact the opposite is true, and often makes them look worse and last longer. Popping your pimples is also likely to cause further problems, such as scarring or infections. Using an acne prevention cream to speed the healing is probably a better idea. There are many kinds of over-the-counter creams available to buy at drugstores or even the grocery store, and you can get stronger ones from your doctor if needed.

So what can you do for acne prevention that really works? Drinking more water is a good start - up to eight cups a day is what your body needs. When your body gets enough moisture from the inside, it's easier for it to clean itself and for your skin to stay smooth and healthy. And you can help keep your skin clean by washing your face morning and night with an acne prevention face wash. Staying in good health overall will also help, so eat a nutritious diet, and get enough rest and exercise. Not only will you be acne free, but you will feel better, feel more energetic, and enjoy a long and healthy life.

About the Author

Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Acne Skin Blog. Click here for more helpful information about Acne Skin :

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